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The Coalition for Marijuana Federalism is fighting to restore federalism with regard to state marijuana laws. One way is to save the Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) Amendment that prevents the Justice Department from suing states that allow medical marijuana.

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Medical Marijuana Ban Could Be Smuggled Into Government Shutdown Bill

March 20, 2018
Derek Hunter 
The Daily Caller

You’d think with all the drama happening within the Justice Department, Attorney General Jeff Sessions would have such a full plate dealing with personnel issues, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, gang violence, and the opioid crisis that he wouldn’t have time to fight for the ability to prosecute states over medical marijuana. Well, if you assumed that, you’d be wrong.


Trump's Pollster Finds Overwhelming Support for Medical Marijuana

March 19, 2018
Brian Darling 


A poll was released on Monday that indicates strong support by Republicans and in swing states for medical marijuana.  So why is Attorney General Jeff Sessions trying so hard to cross voters who relied on President Trump’s repeated campaign promises to protect medical marijuana states?  Seems like Republicans in tough races are doing everything they can to lose control of both the House and the Senate.


Will Congress side with Trump or Sessions on medical marijuana rider?

March 14, 2018
Brian McNicoll 
The Hill

It’s no secret Jeff Sessions does not like marijuana. He prosecuted it vigorously as a U.S. attorney and opposed weakening of any marijuana laws in the Senate. But Sessions is not president; he is the attorney general and his values do not seem to line up  with the president.


Will Jeff Sessions’ medical marijuana policies kill the GOP?

March 9, 2018
Norm Singleton


While it does not get nearly as much attention as the battles over immigration and spending, Congress must also decide whether this year’s spending bill will prohibit federal funds from being used to enforce federal marijuana laws against those using or distributing medical marijuana in compliance with state laws.


Congress’ Money Bags Will Decide Marijuana Legalization’s Fate

March 6, 2018
Brian Darling
The Observer

The current funding measure that continues operations of the federal government runs out on Friday, March 23, 2018. With the new appropriations bill, we should expect movement on a number of high-profile issues, in addition to the slightly less high-profile issue of marijuana policy. Medical marijuana may not occupy the level of controversy that guns and immigration do, but the new appropriations bill’s effects on it could be drastic.


Congress will decide medical marijuana's future this month

March 5, 2018
Beau Rothschild
Washington Examiner

While many are focused on DACA and funding for the wall in the next appropriations bill to be considered by Congress before the March 23 deadline, another issue that will also be litigated is the future of states that have allowed medical marijuana.


ROFF: Washington should let states set pot policy

February 16, 2018
Peter Roff

Panama  City News Herald

A conflict between the United States Department of Justice and the states over marijuana policy threatens to derail everything from proper treatment of the opioid crisis to criminal justice reform to updating the nation’s banking laws.

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February 15, 2018
Ron Paul

Attorney General Jeff Sessions not only violated the principles of federalism with his recent memorandum allowing federal prosecutors to resume prosecuting Americans in states with legalized medical or recreational marijuana. Sessions’s reversion to an 80s war “just say no” policy also defies the will of Congress.


Congress can reaffirm state powers on medical marijuana in the face of Sessions' threat

February 15, 2018
Charles Sauer
Washington Examiner

Marijuana isn’t even represented by the classics like "Cheech and Chong" or hippies and comfy couches. Thanks to states grabbing the reins and exerting their prerogatives, marijuana is now big business. Dispensaries are doing billions of dollars in business and since California started the trend in 1996 by passing a state law legalizing medical marijuana. More states are quickly joining the pot revolution and even legalizing recreational marijuana.

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BOB BARR: Stop Sessions' anti-pot crusade -- Let states regulate marijuana

February 9, 2018
Bob Barr
Fox News

What does marijuana have in common with Schedule I controlled substances like heroin, LSD, and “date-rape” drugs? “Nothing,” the average American would likely reply. I agree. Unfortunately, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions holds the opposite view and continues to lump pot in with far more dangerous drugs.


Federalism and marijuana

January 23, 2018
Peter Ferrara
Washington Times

But federalism was so important to Mr. Reagan, that he was not interested in hearing what his executive branch agencies thought about it by circulating a draft to them first. His executive order commanded the agencies to follow the principles of federalism in every decision they made, favoring more power, authority and funding down to the states unless there was an overriding reason to the contrary.


Real Federalists Need to Step Up to Fight Jeff Sessions' War on Weed

January 19, 2018
Veronique de Rugy

You would think that the Justice Department has better things to do than to restart a federal war on marijuana or that it would want to stay away from interfering with the will of the people in the 29 states, plus the District of Columbia, that allow at least the medical use of marijuana. But you would be wrong. Thanks to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, we have now an emerging conflict between federal and state laws. That conflict should be resolved in favor of the states.


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